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资源列表 - 必修四 - 牛津版 - Unit 1 Advertising - 综合 - 教学设计
module 4 unit 1 task
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Unit 1 Advertising


Writing an Advertisement

Teaching Aim:

l     To train and improve the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing

l     To learn how to listen for statistics and descriptions, and how to state opinions and five supporting reasons

l     To apply what they have learnt to design a advertisement for a chocolate bar

Teaching Key Points & Teaching Difficulties:

2     How to improve their integrated skills through these activities

2     How to help them to write an advertisement for a product

2     The usage of some key words and structures

Teaching Procedure:

  Step One: Leading-in

   T: (Greet the class as usual) Today we will learn how to write an advertisement for a product. But first of all I want to ask you some questions. Since you have study English for years:

Ø      Are you at listening?

Ø      What difficulties do you have in listening?

(It is to focus the students’ attention on the thyme of this part. Encourage them to relate it to their own experiences and speak as they like.)

Ss: ... (Any related answers are acceptable.)

T: So that’s the problem. I think you need more practice to improve your listening skills. If so, you are sure to do it better.

Step Two: Listening

T: Today in the first step we will learn how to listen for statistics. Now please open your book to page 12. Read the instructions (Group1 and 2) and consider the following two questions:

Ø      What numbers are given when you listen for statistics?

Ø      What phrases or phrases should you listen carefully for?

       (Let them read the content on page 12 and discuss them in groups of four or so. Remind them to share their information. T can offer help if the students need it. Collect their answers as follows.)

      Numbers in statistics:

2       Fractions: 1/2(a/one half), 2/3(two thirds), 3/4(three quarters), etc

2       Decimals: 0.3(zero point three), 6.79(six point seven nine), etc

2       Percentages: 63%(sixty-three percent), 45.72(forty-five point seven two), etc

      Phrases describing statistics:

2       An increase: an increase of, increase/rise by, etc

2       A decrease: a decrease of, decrease/fall by, etc

2       No change: no change, remain/stay the same, etc

2       A range: between … and …, from … to …, etc

2       An average: average, etc

2       A limit: lowest, peak at, etc

        (Let them go over the above again and pay attention to the pronunciation of numbers. They can ask T for help if they have any questions. )

     T: Ok. Now I think you have made it clear how to listen for statistics, and next you listen five short descriptions. Write down the statistics in the blanks. Remember you may need some simple calculations after listening.

       (Make sure they know what to do. Play the tape twice for them to complete the exercise. If possible, T can play a third time for the students to get a better understanding.)

     Suggested answers:

        1).1200, 1400    2).85%, 65%     3).50%~60%, 75.5% 

4).23.4%, 11.5%, 24.5%, 13.6%     5).9000, 3000

     T: Great! It’s a piece of cake for you. Next let’s go on to listen to an announcement. Write down the statistics to complete a chart. Yet some of the information is given to help you.



Market Share (%)


Market Share (%)













T:  So please use these statistics to complete part of the bar chart. The first has been given to help you.

  (Give them several minutes to finish. Be sure that they understand the instructions and know what to do.)

    T: (After a while) Now you can see some information in the table are missing. Next please listen to the announcement and write down the numbers. Later we can complete the whole bar chart. Understand?

    Ss: Yes.

       (Play the tape at least twice for them to fill in the table. If necessary, play it a third time for them to make sure of their answers. Collect the numbers in the table on the screen.)










 (Let them complete the above bar chart in their text books and then show the sample one on the screen for them to check answers.)

     Step Two: Discussion

         T: Very good! Later we will use the information collected in the bar chart to write an advertisement for the ChoccoLoco Bar. But now I will give you a few questions for you to talk about in preparation for it.

1)            What’s your opinion of advertising in public places?

2)            What advertisements attract your attention?

3)            What do you think makes advertisements interesting?

4)            What have you seen in an ad and later bought?

5)            What’s your favorite advertisement? Why?

         Ss: …

           (Let them discuss the questions in groups of four. Remind them to refer to the expressions listed on page 14 and in Part B on page 15 to complete the task.)

     Step Three: Writing an advertisement

         T: Now I think you have got something about what an advertisement is and how to write one. Next let’s go on with the next step. We will write an advertisement for a product ChocoLoco Bar.

      T: Ok. Now let’s write an advertisement for the ChocoLoco Bar. The following must be included in your advertisement.

*            Try our ChocoLoco Bar!

Ø      Taste/look/ingredients

Ø      what is unique about the product

Ø      Benefits

Ø      comments from customers

Ø      Price/discounts

Ø      Where it is available

           (Ask them to do it in groups of four. Remind them that they can add something related. If they can’t finish, let them complete it after class. They can surf the Internet to get more help.)

   Step Four: Language points

1.      increase/rise/grow by … 上涨了……

increase/rise/grow to …  上涨到……

decrease/fall by … 下降了……

decrease/fall to …  下降到……

2.      sth. end up with … 某事以……结束/告终

sb. end up sth. with … 某人以……结束某事

3.      in one’s opinion

in the opinion of sb.  在某人看来

4.      “数词+ more + 复数名词”或“another + 数词+ 复数名词”表示“还……;再……”

e.g. The professor needs another two assistants to do the experiment.

e.g. I am given two more hours to finish my paper.

   Step Six: Homework:

Ø        to go over the Task

Ø        to complete the advertisement after class

Ø        to preview the Project


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